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Every Thanksgiving season, Mid-West Moving & Storage, a professional moving company in the Chicago area, puts on a food drive to collect food items for local food pantries. In previous years, the businesses that participated in this food drive kept a box at their office or building and their employees would bring food items to fill the box. A representative from Mid-West Moving & Storage would then collect the boxes at the end of the drive.
This year, the food drive has to be done a little differently due to the pandemic. Instead of businesses hosting boxes at their offices, Mid-West Moving & Storage is asking for donations in the form of checks and gift cards for their Fill A Truck Virtual Food Drive.
Because of the ongoing pandemic, food pantries need additional help. Mid-West Moving & Storage started the Fill A Truck Virtual Food Drive to support the Elk Grove Presbyterian Church Food Pantry this holiday season. Businesses and individuals can donate checks and gift cards for grocery stores to help the food pantry buy enough food to help feed local families. At Proceed Innovative, we are proud to be one of the businesses that have contributed to this cause with a monetary donation. We have a great relationship with our client Mid-West Moving & Storage and we are always happy to help them with their annual food drives.
Fill A Truck Virtual Food Drive Details
The goal of the Fill A Truck Virtual Food Drive is to help Mid-West Moving & Storage raise enough money for the Elk Grove Presbyterian Church Food Pantry to “Fill-A-Truck” with food items. Many families have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic and may need assistance from food pantries to feed their families. By donating money and gift cards to the Elk Grove Presbyterian Church Food Pantry, you can help ensure that the pantry has enough food to help impacted families.
The Fill A Truck Virtual Food Drive is sponsored by Move For Hunger, a non-profit organization that mobilizes professionals in the moving and relocation industry to help fight hunger.
The following are the details of the Fill A Truck Virtual Food Drive:
- Dates: November 6 through December 11, 2020
- Address to mail donations: Mid-West Moving & Storage C/O Fill A Truck, 1255 Tonne Road, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
- Checks: Make your checks out to Elk Grove Presbyterian Church Food Pantry and write Food Pantry on the memo line.
- Gift cards: You can choose to donate gift cards for Walmart, Aldi, and Jewel
For more information or to make a donation, check out the Mid-West Moving & Storage Events Facebook page. You can also visit, email, or call them at (888) 722-MOVE.