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Email Marketing to Healthcare Professionals Research

Email marketing is a great way to reach out to your audience and colleagues with new information about your company including new products or services, special events, and useful information.  When running an email marketing campaign, you must take into account the appearance of the email newsletter and how it displays across different devices and email clients, as well as the time of day your email is most likely to be opened.
Digital email marketing

MMS Lists, a marketing agency that provides several email marketing services and email lists to market to healthcare professionals, has recently created an infographic containing 2015 statistics from their email marketing campaigns.  These statistics reveal the top email clients and devices that healthcare professionals (HCPs) used in 2015 to receive their emails.  This information is useful because understanding the behaviors of your audience, such as which email clients and devices they are likely to use to open your emails, can help you adjust your email marketing strategy to improve your open rate.

Why Email Marketing

According to the statistics from MMS Lists, the ROI for email marketing is the highest of all digital marketing channels with a return of about $38 for every dollar spent.  In the case of HCPs, MMS Lists found that 73 percent prefer that companies use email to communicate with them over other marketing channels.  The high ROI combined with the preference of many that companies market to them via email makes email marketing a very important strategy to incorporate into your digital marketing campaign.

Email Marketing Statistics

The infographic from MMS Lists includes the top 10 email clients used by HCPs in 2015 with iPhone, Apple Mail, and Outlook making up the top three.  Yahoo! Mail and Gmail are number 7 and 8 respectively on the list and AOL mail just barely makes the cut at number ten.  The following is the complete top 10 list:

  1. iPhoneWhy Email Marketing
  2. Apple Mail
  3. Outlook
  4. iPad
  5. Web Version
  6. Google Android
  7. Yahoo! Mail
  8. Gmail
  10. AOL Mail

The preferred email clients of the HCPs differed slightly between the types of devices used to read the emails.  According to MMS Lists’ statistics, over 49 percent of mobile users preferred the Apple iPhone email client with Apple iPad a distant second at 8.9 percent.  The preferred email client on desktop computers is split pretty evenly with 9.8 percent using Apple Mail and 9.7 percent using Outlook.  The percentages are spread more evenly among webmail users as 6.2 percent use Web Version with 3.3 percent using Yahoo! Mail, 3 percent using Gmail, and 2.4 percent using

This infographic also includes statistics on the types of devices used overall by HCPs to read their emails.  The majority of HCPs, 63.6 percent, use mobile devices with just over 20 percent using desktop computers and 16 percent using webmail.

Key Takeaways

The ROI and preference of email marketing compared to other marketing channels show that this is a very important and effective medium for digital marketing.  The visual design of an email newsletter is crucial for grabbing the attention of your audience and knowing the most popular email clients and devices used by your audience can help you ensure that the design of your newsletters displays properly on each.

Check out the email marketing infographic from MMS Lists for more information.


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