Follow our Internet Marketing Blog – your source for must-read news about SEO, SEM and the new trends in digital strategies and web design.

  • We have put together a list of frequently asked questions, some of them from clients, concerning SEO and internet marketing to help business owners gain a better understanding.

  • Form spam is the submission of website forms by human scammers or spambots with malicious intent. Form spam is both annoying and potentially dangerous for your website and your visitors. The following actions can help you prevent form spam.

  • Google has built in ways that users can utilize to make the search results even more relevant to their initial query. The following are advanced Google search tricks and tips that can help you narrow your search results.

  • When looking at the search engine market share worldwide and in the U.S., there is no question that Google is the absolute dominating force.  While other search engines like Bing and DuckDuckGo have shown some growth, their share of the market still pales in comparison to Google.

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